Thursday, November 15, 2012

Facebook - Internet addiction is a disorder?

Is Facebook harmful to our health?

Franceschi-Bicchierai, L. (2012, Nov 3). [Web log message]. Retrieved from

In this article, Franceschi-Bicchierai is talking about how Facebook addiction is becoming a problem. He compares it to sex and drugs in an odd way, that receiving a notification on Facebook releases a chemical in our brains called dopamine. What it is: "a chemical neurotransmitter associated with the motivation and reward response in the human brain." Is this how Facebook addiction has become so widespread? If you observe the picture below (you may need to enlarge it), you will see the words, "Internet Addiction Disorder." It may sound ridiculous, silly, even; but it is already a serious problem in China, Taiwan, and Korea. He also mentions that Facebook is also reducing our attention span. Have I ever told you I like goldfish? Will this continue to be a problem, or will we begin to recover and be able to pay full attention to what is at hand?

To me, IAD sounds a bit silly, but even at the same time, I can see how it is real problem: I, too, often find myself spending my time on the internet unwisely. Whether it's through a small break turning long, a short conversation turning into a full blown discussion, or a day spent straight up procrastinating, it's all wasted time. Can the habits and addictions people have be broken? Yes, of course, but not without great effort. Changing your schedule to something more strict is very easy on paper, but takes a lout out of the person trying to overcome the issue; but the self control is good for all of us in the long run.
Much larger at the link I gave above.

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